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  Конкурс по правам человека (прочтений: 740)

Новости научные, факультетские и иныеCALL FOR PAPERS: 2005 Human Rights Award

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is pleased to announce

a Call for Papers for the 2005 Human Rights Award. Candidates for the

Award include those with a law degree who have demonstrated experience

interest in international human rights law. In order to participate in

the Award, applicants must submit an unpublished legal article/paper

written in English or Spanish solely by the candidate. The Academy will

grant two Awards, one for the best article in English and the other for

the best article in Spanish. The Award in each case will consist of: 1.

a scholarship* to participate in the 2005 Academy on Human Rights and

Humanitarian Law 2. travel expenses* to attend the Academy in

Washington, D.C. 3. living expenses* for the three weeks of the Academy

For the year 2005, candidates must choose a subject pertaining to "The

Prohibition of Torture Under International Law." The articles must be

25- 30 pages in length and must be received by February 11, 2005 at 6:00

pm EST.

Those interested in participating in the Award should consult the rules

on the website:

http://www.wcl.american.edu/humright/hracademy/2005/hraward.cfm. You can

also contact us at 202-274-4070 or hracademy@wcl.american.edu if you

have any questions.

The Award in each case will consist of: 1.

a scholarship* to participate in the 2005 Academy on Human Rights and

Humanitarian Law 2. travel expenses* to attend the Academy in

Washington, D.C. 3. living expenses* for the three weeks of the Academy

For the year 2005, candidates must choose a subject pertaining to "The

Prohibition of Torture Under International Law." The articles must be

25- 30 pages in length and must be received by February 11, 2005 at 6:00

pm EST.

Those interested in participating in the Award should consult the rules

on the website:

http://www.wcl.american.edu/humright/hracademy/2005/hraward.cfm. You can

also contact us at 202-274-4070 or hracademy@wcl.american.edu if you

have any questions.

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Re: Конкурс по правам человека (Всего: 1)
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