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Re: Ручной контроль и покупка проездных карт: проблемы (Всего: 1)
Автор: mooner. Дата размещения: 02/04/2009.
Sweden will allow gay couples to be legally married from next month. Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday cheapest generic viagra online [campus.academiaseguridad.com] to recognise same-sex marriage, becoming the fifth country in Europe to do so. Sweden was one of the first countries to give gay mail order viagra online [asis.umariana.edu.co] couples legal "partnership" rights, in the mid-1990s, and allowed them to adopt children from 2002. The new law lets homosexuals wed in either a civil or religious ceremony, though individual churches can opt out. The law was passed by 226 votes to 22 and will come buy viagra low cost [www.bencak.com] into force on 1 May. "The decision means that gender no longer has an impact buy cheap generic viagra [www.movegroovedance.com] on the ability to marry and that the law on registered partnership is repealed," the government said on its website. Six of the seven parties in parliament backed the bill, while the Christian Democrats, one of four parties in the governing coalition, refused. The Lutheran Church, the largest church in Sweden, has cheapest place to buy viagra online [aulas.ciberesfera.com] offered to bless gay partnerships since January 2007, but has still not given formal backing to the term "marriage", and will allow individual pastors to refuse to carry out gay weddings. Sweden has become the fifth European country, after the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Norway, to recognise same-sex marriage. Elsewhere, Canada and South Africa have also passed such buy LOW COST viagra [www.moodle.ell.aau.dk] legislation, as have some US states and local authorities in other countries. The G20 summit in London will consider drastic action to DISCOUNT price on viagra [www.edenfjord.se] revive the world economy. The BBC's Europe editor, Mark Mardell, reports from Marseille on how the economic downturn has hit France's biggest port. The port and the workers that depend on it have been hit hard by the crisis I can barely stand in the force of the wind blowing around Canadian price for viagra [www.cochrane.es] the docks of Marseille's container port. The harsh mistral chills to the bone and whips the Mediterranean into stormy peaks, even while the sun shines bright in the blue sky. In Provence, they say the wind can blow the ears off a donkey and drive men mad. The economic mistral whipping through the world Cialis comparison levitra viagra [www.equidadeducativa.es] has hit France's biggest port with full force and threatens if not insanity, social unrest. One of the oldest ports in the world and France's biggest purchase Sildenafil Citrate online [www.sportlucus.es] port by volume, it stretches for miles along the Mediterranean shore. From where I stand, it seems busy enough. A Panama-registered ship unloads goods from China. Huge buy viagra in United Kingdom [riereta.net] containers whizz above and strange blue eight-wheeled vehicles the height of houses scurry to meet them, lowering their grips onto the oblong boxes like some giant insect picking up an egg. When you look at the figures, you can almost imagine the buy viagra in Ireland [moodle.uc.pt] insect-machines are eager to make the most of the trade there is. Warehouse staff were laid off and drivers lost their overtime. buy viagra in Sydney [www.livelylatin.com] He is thankful business within France has not been hit so badly. But Mr Astouin agrees with his president, Nicolas Sarkozy, that the priority is new rules for banks and the like. "There is a real need for all these countries to fight for deep buy viagra in Australia [www.tarotverden.no] financial reform... that's how the crisis started... and we've got to put social concerns before financial interests," he says. In a hill-top village overlooking the port, Jean Francois Casado stares down at the buy viagra in Toronto [revolver.mohawkcollege.ca] place that has given him employment for the past 24 years.


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