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  Приглашение на международную правовую школу ''Право лучше чем война'' в Румынии (прочтений: 961)

Новости научные, факультетские и иныеWe are proud to present you the third edition of
"LAW IS BETTER THAN WAR!" - International Law School on Means and Methods
of War, organized by ELSA Bucharest together with The Romanian Red Cross

Dear ELSA People,

We are proud to present you the third edition of
"LAW IS BETTER THAN WAR!" - International Law School on Means and Methods
of War, organized by ELSA Bucharest together with The Romanian Red Cross

As usual, it will take place in Bucharest, Romania between 30th November
and 11th December 2004.


10 courses (1st - 6th December 2004), each course consisting of one hour
lecture upon the theme, one hour of case study and one hour debating upon
the subject.

A Moot Court Competition (8th-10th December 2004) so as the participants
have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge achieved during
the courses, fighting in a competition based on a case inspired from the
International Humanitarian Law reality.

The themes of the courses and the lecturers are:

December 1st, 2004

10h00 - 13h00
Course 1 "International Humanitarian Law - Introduction"
Mr. Patrick Zahnd - Head of the ICRC Regional Delegation for Central Europe

15h00 - 18h00
Course 2 "Means and methods of warfare. The evolution of the Hague Law"
Prof. Dino Kritsiotis, University of Nottingham

December 2nd, 2004

10h00 - 13h00
Course 3 "Convention on Conventional Weapons"
Mr. Louis Maresca - ICRC Geneva

15h00 - 18h00
Course 4 "Nuclear, Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons. ICRC initiative
Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity"
Mr. Robert Young - Legal adviser of the ICRC Regional Delegation for
Central Europe

December 3rd, 2004

10h00 - 13h00
Course 5 "Antipersonnel landmines"
Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires

15h00 - 18h00
Course 6 "Military targets - civilian objectives. The principle of
Prof. Ryszard Piotrowicz - University of Wales

December 4th, 2004

10h00 - 13h00
Course 7 "The protection of the cultural patrimony during armed conflicts"
Romanian Ministry of Culture

15h00 - 18h00
Course 8 "Perfidy and reprisals"
Mr. Tamas Lattmann - Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence, Budapest

December 5th, 2004

10h00 - 13h00
Course 9 "Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law"

15h00 - 18h00
Course 10 "Repression of violations"
Mr. Almiro Simoes Rodrigues, Former ICTY judge, Portugal

On 10th December 2004, we'll have Anniversary and Special Ceremony -
International Human Rights Day and 103 years from the first Nobel Prize
for Peace awarded to Henry Dun ant, "father" of International Humanitarian
Law and of the International Committee of the Red Cross.


The organizing Law students will be there for you during the 10 days,
guiding you through the beautiful sights in Bucharest and in Romania,
organizing parties for you, a trip to Carpathian Mountains on 6th
December, a one-day-tour of Bucharest and preparing lots of surprises. Pay
attention to your clothes, because there will be winter in Romania and it
usually snows!!!!


There will be 15 participants from Law Universities from Europe and 15
participants from Law Universities from Romania.

Regarding the selection process, each candidate should fulfill the
following conditions:
- Be a Law student or graduate;
- Be fluent in English;
- Be well versed in Public International Law;
- Be involved in or planning to become involved in an activity, which
gives scope for the promotion of International Humanitarian and Criminal

ELSA members will have priority in the selection process of participants.

In addition, the selection of candidates will reflect an equitable
geographical distribution.

We expect all application by 10th November 2004. The list of participants
will be announced on the 15th November 2004.

The participants are expected to come on the 30th, November 2004, in


You can download the application form from our website
www.elsalawschool.unibuc.ro (starting with 1st November)

The deadline for submitting the application is 10th November.

If you have any questions about filling in the application form or if you
have troubles in downloading it, do not hesitate to address
bucuresti@elsa.ro or lorena-ioana.voinea@drept.unibuc.ro.


The payment of the participation fee shall be made until 20th November
2004. (Fax or e-mail of confirmation)

ELSA members from favored countries (including Russia): 12 Euros/day
ELSA members from non favored countries: 17 Euros/day
ELSA Alumni: 22 Euros/day
Non ELSA Member: 27 Euros/day
Non-Student: 27 Euros/day
ELSA members from Romania: 1 600 000 lei/event
Non ELSA Members from Romania: 2 400 000 lei/event

The fee for participants includes accommodation (11 nights at hotel),
meals (all meals for 10 days, Supper on the 30th of November and Breakfast
on the 11th of December), academic materials and the trip in the

For further information visit www.elsalawschool.unibuc.ro or send us a
message to bucuresti@elsa.ro or lorena-ioana.voinea@drept.unibuc.ro.

Good luck and looking forward to meeting you here, in Bucharest!

Sincerely yours,

Cezara Szakacs
Public Relations Coordinator
International Law School on Means and Methods of War, 3rd edition
Bucharest, 30th November - 11th December 2004

Organizer: ELSA Bucharest
Co-organizer: The Romanian Red Cross Society

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Re: Приглашение на международную правовую школу ''Право лучше чем война'' в Румынии (Всего: 1)
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Re: Приглашение на международную правовую школу ''Право лучше чем война'' в Румынии (Всего: 1)
Автор: fo6ball2. Дата размещения: 22/08/2011.
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